warning :

yehaa. clap your hand first to this girl , who is crying every single of night because succed to make a blog by own . although this blog is boring but im know this is the important blog to me . act this blog was speaking in billinggual . if any problems? you can get out from this blog .

im sorry :)

hello :)
stop the game la pompuan , sedar sedar . ika banyak buat salah ke?
dua hari yang sangat SEGAK buat aku , aduh poyo la kaw ika . blaa blaa .
u know what? i have made someone upset.
im soryy bcs made your heart hurts . really sorry .
but , ika penat sgt nak layan kerenah lelaki lelaki cerewet dan yang TERLALU SEGAK !
that peoples , im sorry . eventhough , this was occurs when i not invited pleasure .
( tak larat nak cete panjang panjang , nanti ta cukup dua post . haha . gempak )