warning :

yehaa. clap your hand first to this girl , who is crying every single of night because succed to make a blog by own . although this blog is boring but im know this is the important blog to me . act this blog was speaking in billinggual . if any problems? you can get out from this blog .

last day!

hepi da abes tuisen da! hari ni techer maz smpai kul 11:30.haha kesian tecer coz pnt mngjr kami! thank tecer maz fo the knowledge.pegi bandar jap until kul 2:00 ptg.mnggu kk dan ibuku mmbli brg keprluannya.sgt lmbb heh!aku pegi jnguk sbntar dn kmdiannya terlekat skali kat pasaraya itu'pasaraya tunas manja'.hoho!makanan bestnyer.. nak,nak,nak! my mom marah2 jep! cre x ske!heee.. :D plg ke rumah. then tetido ats kerusi.. hahaqqq!